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Black Moor -- Is she sick?

23 11:44:09

My 2 1/2 year old black moor is floating upside down, sideways and right side up. She has been doing this for several months. I thought that she was going to die until about a month ago I noticed that we have four new fish so I'm thinking that she's given birth (I only had two fish in my pond). However, she is still floating and swimming funny. I forgot to mention that she is pretty plumb. Do you think something is wrong with her and if so, what and how should we treat.


Hi Barbara,
 Goldfish, such as black moors, do not get pregnant and do not give birth. They are egg layers. They lay the eggs on plants, wood, rocks etc and the male fertilizes them there.   

 Yes I think there is something seriously wrong with her, likely with her swim bladder. The swim bladder is the organ that goldfish have that helps them to maintain proper buoyancy. The bad news is that there is really nothing that you can do about it.    

-- Ron
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