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molly help!

23 14:20:47

My tank has been set up for about.. 2 months.
It is a 30 gallon tank
I have 2 silver mollies and 3 elder livebearers
I'm not sure the type of filter. (got the entire system for free from a friend of my dad's)
Levels are all good
I change the water once a week.

My female silver molly is lying on the gravel, still breathing, and when she DOES swim, it looks like she's very weak. She just started like, as i typed this, floating with her head towards the top and her tail towards the bottom. All the other fish are fine. She has no discoloration or spots or growths.

Hi Jean;

It sounds like a swim bladder problem. The swim bladder is an organ inside the fish below the spine that controls buoyancy. Sometimes a change of diet helps because the digestive system is close to the swim bladder. When a fish becomes constipated or has an inflammation of the digestive system it can develop swim bladder issues. Mollies benefit from eating cooked squished peeled green peas 2 or 3 times a week. If she is still eating, try it and see if it helps. Infection, cancer, old age, etc., are other possibilities but aren't really treatable. Some hobbyists have tried an antibiotic product called "Maracyn Two" in case it's internal infection, but usually it isn't helpful.

I wish I could help more...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins