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goldfish losing its life

23 14:24:48

I have a Dragontail Goldfish that was doing fine for 6 months. Then, today i'm seeing it floating on its side breathing!its in a 5 gallon tank an air pump and no filter. I change the water 1 every couple months.

Hi Edwin;

His tank is too small and without a filter and weekly water changes, waste toxins are poisoning him. Goldfish are very messy guys that get very large to they require at least ten gallons per fish with a power filter in order to thrive. They also need weekly water changes and gravel vacuumings. Change his water right away (be sure to use water conditioner) and get him a good filter that hangs on the back of the tank. Change 25% of his water at least once a week. Shop for a bigger tank too. Here is a good web page about goldfish and their needs;

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins