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I think my black molly is sick

23 14:14:49

I fear that fingerfood,he's my black molly, is sick. He's been swimming very near the bottom of the tank or at the very top. He seems very sluggish. He does have a whitish tint to him. My other fish don't seem to be sick at all. I don't really know what to do. I can't take him out of the tank just yet because I don't have another thank to put him in. I have a container but no way to get air continuously in the container. I do have a breeder that I can put him in. I also don't know how to treat him. I think it might be ick, and wonder if I should treat the entire tank. I'm sorry for such a long message, I just worry about my babies. I hope you can help. Thank you so much.

Kelly,                                                       If the whitish appearance doesn't look like little specks of salt it probably isn't ick. Go ahead and put him in the breeder tank to keep his stress level down. If it looks like salt you need to treat your tank with coppersafe 1 tsp per 4 gallons. No need to remove your carbon if it is over 4 days old. No water changes for at least 2 weeks. If it is like a whitish film it sounds like a fungal infection. In this case you should treat with erythromycin. Take carbon out. Treat for 7 days than new carbon and a 25% water change. Good Luck, Tina