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dying fish, cloudy water, substance on heater

23 14:13:05

Hi My 28 gallon fish tank is 3 weeks old. I have lost over 10 fish. i have tried everything that has been suggested by Petsmart. They are almost ready to give me a new tank. I have a ten gallon that is crstal clear and my tetras are healthy and happy. In the 28 gallon it turned cloudy about 10 days ago. I did a 25%water change, cleaned all decor ect. my water is soft due to a water softner in house. have had it tested and tested myself over & over. My ph is high, everything else is fine. Strange substance on water heater, like a calcium build up but dont have hard water!. Took the heater back, they gave me a new one. this one is starting to get it. Looks like silver dried material on it. My algea eaters arent doing there thing either, just kinda hanging out in the castle or on the gravel.I have 4 black tailed tettras, 4 mollies, 2 gouromias, 2 catfish and 2 algae eaters left. can you give me any idea as to how to clear my water up and maek my fish healthy again? Should I go for the new tank? thanks - sorry im so long winded. JoAnne

Joanne,                                                      No you don't need a new tank. You are going thru a normal process. If your tank is only 3 weeks old you shouldn't have that many fish in it. You can't stock a tank that fast. The cloud is bacteria growing to keep up with the ammonia your fish are putting out. You have so many fish it is blooming like crazy. This is called new tank syndrome. You are going thru a nitrogen cycle. You really shouldn't even have added your pleco for about 3 weeks. It may be lime on your heater from your water. You added 14 fish in 3 weeks that is such a no no......I know this sounds bad , but let whatever is going to happen now happen while your ecosystem is starting. If your nitrites are high you can do a 20% water change , but don't disturb the rocks where your bacteria is trying to form. If you are  going to petsmart they should be able to tell how your tank is cycling. They can watch as your nitrites turn to nitrates and then disappear. After that happens the rule is 1 inch of fish per gallon of water. Patience and persistence you will be fine..... Good Luck, Tina