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Bubbles on Beta

23 11:04:46

I was wondering if you could explain why our beta would be covered with tiny bubbles after having his tank cleaned.  He was fine before cleaning, however afterwards he was having a difficult time maintaining normal buoyancy, ie. tail floating toward surface of water, then fish swimming to correct itself. Of course we are very concerned.  We used all of the normal beta specific chemicals to treat water in the same manner as we always have. Our beta's name is Posiedon. In advance, thank you so very much for your professional opinion and time. Either way, it makes me feel better to know there is someone to ask so I don't feel so powerless. Thanks again.

Hi Lori,
 Hmm... my guess is that the bubbles have disappeared by now??  What might have happened is that if your water came from a source that is rather cold (quite possible at this time of year), then it contains a lot of oxygen.  When it heats up, the oxygen comes out of solution (warm water holds less oxygen than cold water) and that is why the bubbles appeared attached to your fish. Were there also bubbles on the aquarium glass?  

-- Ron C.
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