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follow-up question on female betta

23 11:25:57

Hello, I'm writing back about my daughter's female betta fish that you said had a bacterial infection.  Well the good news is that she's not worse and her color is better, but she's not eating very well still and she's still sleeping a lot.  After getting her tank temp up, we treated her with the Maracyn and Maracyn-2 for 5 days.  However, the box and the liquid bottle said only do it for 5 days.  Can I treat her longer than 5 days, because she doesn't look cured yet.  I don't want to poison her though if 5 days is the max.  Thanks again!

You mentioned "liquid bottle" so I am thinking it must be "Maracyn Plus."  If you used Maracyn Plus, this is quite a strong medication, and I would discontinue use.  Maracyn, and Maracyn 2 are in powder form, and these are the medications I met for you to use.  For now, I would change all of the water using a good water conditioner, and add a little diluted aquarium salt.  Make sure to replace her water with the same water temperature she was in.  I would not treat for the next two days.  Sometimes clean water helps, and the infection goes away.  Try this, and keep me posted on how she is doing.  If she is eating, even if it isn't much, this is a good sign.  Bettas should be fed 2-3 times a day in small amounts.  Two pellets, or two flakes for one meal is enough.  Her tummy is the size of her eye, so we must always be careful when feeding our bettas.  When she gets better feed her a cooked frozen pea with the outer layer removed.  Cut the pea into tiny pieces, and feed the pieces to her one at time making sure she eats them.  On the day you choose to feed her the pea, feed her nothing else for the rest of the day.  This is so she can clean out her system, and avoid Swim Bladder Disease to which Bettas are prone.  Vary her diet as much as you can.  Bettas find their vitamins in different foods such as Betta pellets, betta flakes, Plankton flakes, (Daphnia, which is an important part of their diet as it helps with their digestive system)  Bloodworms, Glassworms, Mealworms, and Frozen Brine Shrimp.  The more you vary, the healthier she will be.  Clean water, and a healthy diet go a long way in preventing disease.  
I hope she will recover.