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Dwarf Chichlids

23 14:44:10

What is the hardiest and easiest to breed dwarf Chichlid? I read about blue Rams but the article said that they aren't hardy

Hi Jordan,
 I personally like butterfly cichlids (Anomalochromis thomasi) as a relatively easy-to-breed dwarf cichlid.  They come from West Africa.

 As for hardest, there are hundreds of them.  Many dwarf cichlids have never been bred.  For example, some of the dwarf pike cichlids are a challenge, as are things like checkerboard cichlids.

 Rams are on the easier end.  You might try the Bolivian ram (Microgeophagus altispinosa) rather than the common ram.  Common rams are sometimes from line-bred strains that aren't as hardy as other fish.  

-- Ron
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