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algae eater fish

23 14:22:10

i recently bought a  algae eater fish and a snail--my snail is doing wonderful i have a red wag platy and her 2 babies that survived my algae is not doing well, hes straight up and fishing backwards but then he catches his self and he just stays in one spot all the time nothing like when i bought him hes been like this for about 1 week i did a water change levels of everything are perfect the temp is perfect what could be going on? my other fish are doing great

Hi Carol,
 When you say an algae eater fish, do you mean a plecostomus catfish, also known as a suckermouth catfish?  If so, he is supposed to stay in one spot. They are really only active at night.  If they are active during the day that is usually because they are unhappy.  

-- Ron
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