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firemouth problem

23 11:58:46

hi, we have 7 firemouths in a 120 gal tank. they were born here (thru no breeding program we planned!) about 3 yrs ago. i noticed tonite that 1 of the little females is staying at the bottom of the tank w/ her tail curling forward. is she dying? none of the others show any of the same signs. i know she was the main breeder. help

Hi Sarah,
I would have to know more.  How is your water Chemistry?  Is there ammonia, or nitrates in your tank?  If so, this could be why she is at the bottom of the tank.  Ammonia is the number one killer of fish.  If you have ammonia in your water you will have to do water changes until you get it down to zero, and nitrates to safe.  If your ammonia, and nitrates aren't safe, there could be a lack of oxygen in the aquarium.  You can buy these small kits at your pet store.  They are always handy to have, and they should be number one in your fish cabinet.  Never buy products that say they remove ammonia or nitrates.  They don't work.  The only way is water changes, everyday until they are safe.
It could also be that she is afraid of another fish in the aquarium.  Observation is the key.  
If the little fish always had fry, this could be a sign of lack of vitamins.  Good food, with vitamins save us lots of problems.  Fish who have a good diet with good food, along with good water conditions are seldom sick.
Check your water, and watch what is going on in the aquarium, she could be picked on by another fish.
If you see other signs on your little fish, write back to me, I may be able to help you more.  Make sure you check your water.
Hope this will help