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My little Oscar

23 15:05:43


About a month ago, I purchased myself a Red Tiger Oscar. I am keeping this beautiful fish in a Ten Gallon tank right now because he is only about an inch and a half.

And that is the problem. I have done a lot of research and I have found that Oscars will grow up to a half inch a month, especially at it's juvenile stage it is in now. I am feeding it Wardley's Tropical Flakes and it seems to enjoy them a lot.

I was thinking I should change the kind of food I am feeding it, but it is still so small.

Any suggestions?


Hi Joel,
 Oscars grow quickly.  Flakes are fine for now. As it gets larger, start feeding it cichlid sticks or pellets.  I strongly advise you to resist the urge to feed it live feeder fish. Feeder fish, typically goldfish, carry lots of diseases and I can't tell you how many oscars I have heard of dying after eating a bad feeder fish. It happens all the time and it is very regretable.  

 You will need to get a larger aquarium in the near future. You should consider something along the lines of a 55 gallon tank if you want your oscar to be happy and healthy.  

-- Ron
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