Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > bettta


23 14:31:18

my betta (Billy) wont eat i have a tank that has a divider in it and i am thinking that is why he wont eat cause he mite be scared but i am not sure.  I am not sure ifwhen a betta is ready mate if the bubbles are all in one spot or if the bubbles are just like alll over the tank? Is it good to mate a crown tail betta with a delta betta? or put a male and 1 female crown betta and 1 female delta betta?

Hi Anthony;

If there are bubbles all over the top it may be ammonia buildup from fish waste. Ammonia would explain why he isn't eating too. Change his water and you could test it with a kit after that to be sure it doesn't happen again. If the bubbles are in one clump and seem to stay together, it's his nest. If he isn't eating it's unlikely that he feels like building a nest though.

I don't know anything about betta genetics so I really can't help you on types of them breeding together. Here are a few links to check out that may help though;

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins