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Sick Beta: twitching; scales falling off, etc.

23 14:23:31

Hi Ron:
I am worried about my Betta Santiago.  He got sick from a rotting plant that I detected too late.  Plus at the time I didn't have a heater because the room temperature was usually around 80 F. since I am in Florida.  Well, after I noticed that he was being extremely anti-social and hiding, he also developed a twitch  (which I later researched could be a possible parasite due to bacteria/poor water quality). I had investigated his environment and discovered that a plant was rotting, inconjunction with other possible casuses, i.e., lack of heater, and more than likely an overdue water change.  

So, in a panic I made a makeshift quarantine tank for him and did a 100% water change.  I even sanitized all his plants, decor, etc. and added fresh, new gravel.  Well, he went back to his old active self (took about 4 days in the new water change and environment) and is still eating like a piggy.  However, since then he still has a slight twitch and when I came home from work I noticed a pile of scales (which at first I thought were dead blood worms) floating on top of the water and I checked his body where the scales had rubbed up.  So, I fear: is the rubbing of the scales a early sign of dropsy (eventhough he has no indication of pine cone/bloating) as some websites indicate?  Or is it a sign of stress/or itching induced by the possible parasite?  Although I have not seen him itching himself per se, I have seen him dart around and twitching which seems to suggest that it's a parasite.
Lastly, Santiago, my Betta, has what may be an early sign of Popeye, little bubbles around his eyes which may be too early to tell if they are protruding or not.

I apologize for the over-abundance of details, I just wanted to report all my findings to possibly get some informed insight on the matter.  I appreciate any and all advice you can give.
So far, since the water change, I have only added aquarium salt and stress coat (which both seem to have helped perk him up).  Also, the new heater has stabilized his environment but does appear to be too high (86 F.) and cannot be lowered.
I don't want to administer antibiotics at this juncture if I do not have a proper diagnosis.  And at the same time I don't want to wait too late if I can smash any disease/parasite while it's still in the early stages.
Any guidance would be the utmost appreciated.
A concerned Betta father.

Hi Daniel,
 When you say you "sanitized all his plants..." what exactly did you do?  Did you use soap or any kind of detergent?  That would explain the loss of scales.

  It is really important that you do regular once a week, partial water changes.  I suggest about 25% of the water once a week.

 86 is warm but okay.  I wouldn't go any warmer than that.

-- Ron
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