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Betta with Dropsy...

23 14:21:25

Hello Ms. Todoroff,
I have a betta that I've only had for about a month, and on Friday, I left on a trip to return on Sunday. Friday, I noticed my betta looking puffy, with raised scales. He is still alive today (Sunday) but looking just the same. I have looked online, and everything points to dropsy. On different websites, there have been different reccomendations including Kanacyn, Maracyn/Maracyn 2, Tetracycline, and Epsom Salt to reduce swelling. Do you have any suggestions? and does my fishie have any hope?

Dropsy is the fish version of kidney failure, Unfortunatly, dropsy is quite fatal, and his chances of surviving are very small. However, some people have had luck using Maracyn/Maracyn 2 and Epsom salt as a treatment. I personally have never had a fish with dropsy live, but I trust thtrust the Maracyn line of products and have always had very good luck with them.

Heres a good site on dropsy I think you should have a look at.

Treat him according to the instructions on the package, repeat if you need to.  I really hope he pulls through!