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my fish wont eat

23 14:12:56

I have a green terror who won't eat, and hasn't eaten in weeks. when i first bought him i put him in a 110 gallon tank with other fish the same size (oscars and severums) and he would act skiddish all the time. He would never go to the top of the tank to eat but he would go through the gravel and eat the leftovers. i recently moved him to a smaller tank with fewer fish and he used to eat flakes when they would sink, and now he will not eat at all no matter what kind of food falls right in front of him. there are no physical signs of disease, so why won't he eat?

Hi Amy;

That's very unusual for a green terror. Poor guy. He may need to be in a tank by himself but I wouldn't risk moving him again. Maybe you could move the other fish out of his tank? Every time a fish is moved it stresses them so it would set him back once again.

You might try a product that enhances appetite. They contain garlic and are available in many fish stores. Offer "smelly" foods such as shrimp and worms too. They will entice him more. Just be sure to remove leftovers so you don't have a worse problem - fouled water.

Increased water temperature helps too. I would get it up to 78f or 80f.

Good luck and I hope he does better soon...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins