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My fish cannot see!!!

23 11:32:09

My fish, Troy, just had a bad case of fin rot and is recovering (we still are giving him Rid Fungus and Mardel). Last night he stopped seeing his food. We got him to eat 2 pelts but no more. We think Troy can see light and shadows. Me and my mom think that he doesn't have pop eye, but I'm willing to try anything now.
Thank you

Hi Gabrielle,
 Hmm... why do you think that he cannot see his food?  He simply might not want to eat it.  
Have you been doing regular water changes?  You should be changing 25% of his water, once a week, EVERY week to keep him happy and healthy.  Have you been doing that?  That is the most important
thing you can do for a fish. When water quality gets worse, many fish stop eating.

-- Ron
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