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New Oscar Antisocial

23 14:02:40


I hope you can help me, I am really worried about one of the four Oscars I
bought for my boyfriend 4 days ago at approx 1.5inch long; 2inches now.

As of yesterday morning one of them can only be found "sitting" on the gravel
in the darkness of the back corner behind a big tree root. We've never had
Oscars before, I am an owner of Discus and don't know Oscar characteristics.

At first I was banking on the long shot that it's pregnant despite its young
age, but I read one of your other answers that explains that fertilisation
happens once the eggs are placed on a hard surface. You don't suppose
there's a tiring process for the female before she lays them?

I'm yet to read up on diseases, but the water quality is fine. It is glad to eat
but is slow moving once it bothers moving to the surface and misses out on
most of its share because of the greed of the others. The other's aren't
bullying it or anything, but could it just be the runt?

Please, do you know what it could be?



Hi Karleigh,
 Unfortunately that fish is waaay too small to be carrying eggs.  Keep in mind that an adult oscar is about 12 inches long or larger.  They sometimes breed at about 6 to 8 inches.  What you have there is a baby and he is just frightened.  Give him time.  Oscars often take a long time to adapt to a new environment (it could be weeks).

-- Ron
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