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pregant zebra fish

23 14:11:17

we have a tank full of goldfish, comets and  danios there would be  a  couple of each.A couple of  zebra fish which one of them is  pregnant what do we do with the pregnant zebra fish ?????? please help

Hi Melissa,

Danios are pregnant pretty much all the time, so this is nothing to worry about.

You'll need a small tank, add about 4-5" of water, keep the decor fairly sparse. A hide and maybe a plant or two. The trick with Danios is a loose substrate, marbles, pebbles etc. Danios will eat the eggs so the loose substrate is to protect the eggs from their parents jaws.

Remove the parents after a few hours and keep gentle aeration and filtration going (a sponge filter would be perfect).

Feed newly-hatched fry on baby brineshrimp and crushed vegetable based flakes.

Danios usually give birth after a few weeks so you've got plenty of time to prepare for the new arrivals.

Good Luck!
