Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > My Betta is not eating and has faded spots

My Betta is not eating and has faded spots

23 14:48:42

I have had my Betta for 1 1/2+ year.  I have it in a decorative bowl with a bamboo plant and colored rock.  It has been a very good eater every day. I feed it the tiny black food, 3 a day.  It stopped eating 3-4 days ago.  It is not as active.  I have been getting a whitish film on top of the water and sometimes he has a little bit of slimy strings that fall off.  Now he alos has a couple of faded color spots under the gill area and a small one close to the gill. Is the Bamboo plant bad for them (I've had it in there for about 6-8 months)?  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!

Hi Angie,
I dont think those plants are bad for them. Your fish does have a type of worms though and it sounds as if it is spreading. This is a bacterial infection caused by bad water qualities. I suggest going to the pet store and getting test strips and medicine  for    worms.
This website should help you with medicines,