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guppie compatibility

23 14:48:42

We have had one male and 2 female guppies in a new aqu. for almost 2 months.  Just bought a neon tetra and a blood tail tetra.  They all were there this morning now just after lunch we have no male guppie.  Is there a possability that it was eaten by the tetra?  They are about the same sime if not smaller than the guppies.  We were told they were compatible.

Hello Lisa-

It's possible the tetra nipped the male guppy to death, but highly unlikely. Even so, the body would not have been eaten. These two fish are compatible and should not fight. Check your filter/gravel/decorations/floor for a body, as it is more likely your fish leaped out or died from other causes. Sometimes, fish just "disappear" and are never found - I lost a black skirt tetra that way.

Sorry I can't offer more help.
-Amber Worman