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Black Spots and Brief Movement

23 14:26:55

Please help!  I returned from vacation today to find my fish huddled up in a ball at the corner of the tank with dark spots all over her.  She's a goldfish, and I have had her for many years.  She was on a feeder during our vacation.  I changed the tank water when I got home but it didnt seem to help.  She hardly moves at all.  She attempts but struggles.  It looks really bad.  Please help me i need answers fast!

Hi Andrew;

Poor little gal. The black spots are probably caused by ammonia burns. It sounds like the vacation feeder caused an ammonia spike. Just let her rest and make a 25% partial water change every day or two to keep toxins low. The black spots will heal over the next few weeks as long as her water remains clean and she recovers from the shock of what has happened. If you add a product called Melafix and also aquarium salt to her water it will help her heal faster and help with shock too.

I hope she gets better soon...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins