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have any ideas?

23 14:27:06

hi, i have a small gourami fish which is very bloated.I think she is a blue gourami even though the pet store said she was a lavender gourami.She is getting very bloated yet she is eating and acting normal and she is passing waste.The only males I have is one pearl and one albino gourami so I think that its unlikely she is carrying eggs.Also the males are acting normal and no bubble nest has been made even though I have floating plants.All my other fish look normal so I dont think its over feeding and her scales are not sticking out so I dont think its dropsy.i have no clue whats wrong.have any ideas?


How often do you feed your fish? She could just simply be fat. (This happened to my female Neon Sunburst Platy - thought she was pregnant for a good 3 weeks.) This could also be an internal parasite and if that is the case, she needs to be quarantined in a hospital tank and given proper medication. It could also be an early case of dropsy, but that seems doubtful.
