Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > bristlenose plecotomos

bristlenose plecotomos

23 11:10:07

QUESTION: I have a 75 gal. tank with Orandas, uv light,eheim canister filter,live amazon sword plants. I had 2 bristlenose plecos until this AM.On Friday I added 2 new Orandas(5 total)and 6 new amazon sword plants. I was told to add melafix for three days and a liquid iron plant food every other day for 1 week.I added the melafix and iron Friday, Saturday AM one pleco dead. Was told that just sometimes happens. Added 2nd dose of melafix Saturday, this AM 2nd pleco dead. Up to this point they were totally active and working hard to keep up w/ algae in my tank. Melafix or iron supplement? Or just coincidence?

ANSWER: Amanda,

 Why are you treating the tank with Melafix? NEVER treat with a medication if there is nothing wrong with any of the fish. Who told you to add Melafix? That is a very harsh medication to treat things like fin rot and bacteria problems. Bristle-nose plecos do not fair very well with that type of medication. I would do a large water change like 50% now to start getting the tank clean. I would then do 25% water changes every other day for a few days for the same reason. Healthy fish don't just sometimes die. I would have to say that the Melafix in combination with the iron are the soul culprits in this sad event. Please, do not listen to any of the people working at the big pet store chain. I will give you my email address so that you can come straight to me. If things don't look better in 3 to 5 days or things get worse let me know.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I was told to add the melafix any time I add new fish for 3 days, then do 25% water change...this is a small family owned shop, in business 25 years...not sure who advised them to advise this...maybe API rep? The water was tested the day I bought the 2 new fish and deemed perfect.Guess when I add new fish no melafix? What about the iron for the plants? Thanks so much for your quick response to my ?s...I am supposed to get 3 new Orandas Friday...any advice other than the water changes. The Orandas so far have shown no ill affects. Amanda


  No do not add the Melafix to the water. It is a very powerful medication and can harm the fish if not used right. Just use a good water conditioner when you do water changes and make sure you quarantine the new fish for 2 weeks before you add them to the main tank.