Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Serpea+ siamease fighting fish

Serpea+ siamease fighting fish

23 11:09:29

QUESTION: I have a 96 litre tank and in it we have 7 neon tetras a serpea 2 sterba cory (both bought with only one eye) and one Siamease fighting fish. we got the siamease fighting fish on the 26th of febuary and we are now noticing signs that the siamease fish is always hiding on the top of the filter. I know this is normal that betas are surface dwellers but any time he goes into the open the serpea chases him. I have seen that it is advised to keep them in 6 or more but I am not sure wether adding more serpeas is the right answer. Please help me as we love the serpea and don't want to get rid of him if there is something else we can do.

ANSWER: Emily,

First off, it is NOT normal for your Betta to be living at the top of the tank. He is being picked on. Your tank is over populated and the Betta should not be in that tank. Male Betta's need to be alone in their own 5 gallon tank. My suggestion is to remove the Betta to his own 5 gallon tank with a heater set at 82 degrees. That way you can keep all the fish. Do not put any other fish in the tank with the Betta. Hope this has helped.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: We don't have another tank and so is there anything else we can do with the tank we already have?


Unfortunately if you do not remove the Betta he will end up dead. There is nothing else you can do but remove the Betta from the tank. If you cannot do that, then I suggest retuning him to the store. Sorry I cannot be of better help, but those are the options you have.