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Oscar swiming at top of tank!

23 14:37:35

My mother has my son's fish at her house.  His name is "PIG", family joke! My son has gone into the Army and is expected home tomorrow at 6:00 PM and his fish "PIG" has started swiming at the top of the tank and his fin and body are startimg to dry out.  I don't know what to do!  The tank is about 150 gal. and I don't think he is getting enough air.  How much air should he get in this size of tank?

Hi Laurie,
  Assuming that you have some sort of filter on the tank to move the water around, air shouldn't be a problem.  It is always a good idea to have an airstone in a tank but actually in a tank that size, if there is only one fish, it would be
pretty difficult for the one fish to "breathe" all the air out of the water faster than it can be absorbed at the surface.

 I am concerned that it might be something else, like a problem with his swim bladder.  Is he swimming upright or lying on his side?  (Are there any other fish in the tank?)

-- Ron
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