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Breeding Loaches

23 13:55:05

Hi. I have recently set up a tropical aquarium and it seems to be a fun haven for fish (its only been set up for 2-3months and already have babies (still too small to tell if they r guppies or mollies). I recently purchased 2 sucking loaches and 1 of them has started lookin very fat and bulbous. I was wondering how i know if it is pregnant..and also wot to do in terms of breeding (preferred conditions?..egg layers? to care for the fry? etc.)

I have a 120L tank by the way, various live plant species, plenty of hiding places, and a sand substrate.

Other fish in tank...Guppies, mollies, gouramis, lamp-eyes,and a rummy-nose tetra.

Any information u can give will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Wendy

Hi Wendy,
  Are you sure that they are loaches and not catfish?  

  In either case, they do not get pregnant as such -- they are egg layers. Some catfishes provide parental care, but many do not. They are egg scatterers and the kids just have to fend for themselves.  The best thing you can do for them is to have lots of hiding places (as you say you already have).

-- Ron
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