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Can damsels live w/True Percula Clownfish

23 11:30:11

I am the one with the mantis shrimp in my tank. I bought a true percula clownfish today and my damsels are running into him. I just read to be cautious with damsels. Will the 2 damsels kill my one clownfish.
I decided to buy a stafoam ice chest and put all the live rocks that had holes in it, in the chest. I put a little saltwater from the tank in it and I covered the rocks with a wet towel to keep my rocks moist. I also turned the rocks over hoping to kill the mantis shrimp. I was told to leave rocks in chest for 2 - 3 days and check often to see if the mantis shrimp would show up or to see if I would find him dead at the bottom of the chest. I have not seem him since I gave a friend of mine 2 of my largest live rocks. He may have left my tank and visited hers. The only thing that I left in my tank was the fish, the live corals and reefs that I have purchased

Hi Regina,
 Whether two fish can live together is not a simple matter if what species they are. It also depends a lot on how large a tank you have (larger is better) and particularly on how complex the habitat is. In other words, how much structure there is in the tank. The more structure, the more living spaces for different fishes to occupy.  If the tank is very simple, then very few fish will get along in there without killing each other.

-- Ron C.
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