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My betta has a hernia?

23 14:57:11

Help!  My betta has been very inactive for the past few days. When we first got him about 2 months ago, until about a week ago he was very active, however he's been hiding in a small part of the tank during most of the day. I couldn't get him to react to me when I approached his tank tonight and I actually reached in to touch his tail to see if he'd respond.  We have a fish tank that is designed like a small office cubicle and he's been hiding in the file cabinet. When he came out I was shocked to see that he has what looks like a herniated organ hanging out of his body.  It looks like what would be a small intestine or his stomach. He hasn't been able to eat for the past two days- just spits out the food immediately after trying.  What's wrong with him?  Is there anything we can do or is this just a waiting game? He doesn't seem like he's in pain, and when the herniated part rubs against parts of the cubicle tank he doesn't act like it hurts.  I don't know what to do.  He's sleeping in his file cabinet now.   - Sad in Cincinnati  

Dear Amy-

Sorry to hear about your little one!
I've never heard of anything like this occurring with bettas, so I really can't offer any personal advice.
I would, though, recommend that you keep his water incredibly clean and at least 80 F, and add a dosage of aquarium salt. This will prevent any infection, and may stimulate his appetite.
Try asking the experts at
They will know what to do.

Hope this was helpful, and sorry I can't offer more!
-Amber Worman