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Bad eye infection Goldfish

23 12:01:41

Hi Chris

My Goldfish is 21 years old and he damaged her/his eye while on it's annual head bashing period. So much so that it is now very badly infected. It is stilling feeding ok but the eye looks very bad any suggestions that might help? It doesn't seem to be in pain but that is easy for me to say. Thanks in advance of any reply. Adeline

Hi Adeline;

Without seeing him it's hard to say. If he is a large fish, medicines in the water probably won't help him and they have limited effectiveness anyway. He may need antibiotic injections from a vet. You could try medicated antibiotic food first though. They are available at most fish stores.

I'm curious about this "head bashing period" you mentioned. Why is he doing that? Sounds disturbing....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins