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male betta bulge/growth

23 10:59:59

I have a male betta fish. He is red, and used to be very beautiful. He now has a growth under his belly (not a swollen abdomen). It is mostly white with a few red spots. He is in a 1gal tank, no filter or heater, just a room temperature glass tank with glass marbles and 2 fake plants. I have another male, and a female, all separate tanks same living style. The red one with the growth (that looks like a tumor maybe) I am very concerned about. He won't eat, he isn't active at all, he don't even flare up or get excited anymore when his tank is beside his friends. I don't know what to do, I want to help him, and I'm scared he's in pain. My husband thinks I'm crazy, but "barman" is important to my oldest son in a big way. Do you have any advice? What can I do to save him, or help him not be so miserable?

Hi Veronica,
 Sadly it is either a tumor, in which case, there really is nothing you can do about it.  Or, it is a large parasite that may at some point erupt and leave the body, at which point, the fish may or may not survive. There really isn't anything you can do about this unfortunately.

-- Ron C.
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