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Shubunkin Goldfish

23 15:00:17

This first started when my little brother brought two goldfish home from school. We had no food or tank for them so I bought a goldfish bowl and some tetra flakes from Walmart. They both died within a few days. I washed the bowl and got a new fish. I picked the shubunkin because the sign said they are "hardy" and will eat anything. The problem is he's not eating anything. We've had him for a few weeks now and he has be slowly becoming less and less active. I decided to change all of the water because it was looking irridescent on the surface and had funny looking bubbles. When I changed the water, there was a whole bunch of food on the bottom of the bowl. I don't think he's eaten anything. Am I feeding him the wrong thing? Is he sick? Is the bowl too small?
If any of this sounds familliar please get back to me asap so that I can change whatever I am doing wrong before he gets worse. Thank you.

Hi Kelly;

The poor fella needs a regular tank with a good filter. He is inactive because of waste toxins poisoning him and burning his gills causing lack of oxygen. Goldfish need at least 5 gallons per fish with filtration in order to thrive. It is a common misconception that they can live in a bowl. It is just too small for them. He will get to be 6 to 8 inches long and need at least 10 gallons if cared for properly. Until you can get a new tank for him, change 100% of his water every day. It's the only way to keep him alive until he gets the size he needs. Here is a list of web pages with their basic needs and how to successfully keep a healthy goldfish for years to come;

I hope he feels better soon in his new tank! ;-)

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins