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Molly fish poopping a lot

23 14:44:48

i just bought two new dalmation molly fishes and one of them (i think its a female) keeps poopping a lot...and the poop is really there something wrong or is that just how she is....bc the other one isn't doing that or at least i haven't seen it poop...

Hi Darla;

This one fish probably just eats more. If the poo gets really long, more than an inch or so, it probably needs more veggies in it's diet. Mollies really like to eat cooked green beans, cooked peeled green peas, cucumber slices, raw romaine lettuce, spirulina algae, and cooked carrots. They really need the fiber in those foods. It helps their digestion and their color too. They can nibble on them all day because they don't rot like flakes or pellets do. You can use canned veggies and freeze the leftovers if you want. Just thaw a bit out to feed three or more times a week. I just buy frozen and thaw it a bit out in my hand before adding to the tank. Romaine lettuce and cucumber slices are even easier. Just rinse and feed.  

Have fun!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins