Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Pacostamus/Chillchid


23 11:55:42

How big in length can a pacostamus get?

Hi Dru,
A Plecostomus Catfish can grow to 18 - 20 inches  They eat algae, and must be fed pellets that are made especially for them.  They cannot survive with eating algae only...they must be fed pellets made for bottom fish.

A Pacu can grow to 30 inches long.

I wasn't sure which fish you meant.  The Pacu is a relative to the Piranha, a beautiful fish that can live for 20 years if well cared for.  He is of the Tetra family.  They are vegetarian, but provide a varied diet.  They are not aggressive, but will eat small fish.