Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Redblood Parrot Fish

Redblood Parrot Fish

23 12:01:54

QUESTION: I have to parrot fish, 1 oscar and 1 placsotamas in my 100gall tank.  The parrot fish were doing fine then all of a sudden the large one started swimming upside down.  when it's time to eat he swims right side up but not normally, it's like he has to fight to stay upright.  now all he does is float at the top of my tank, with his underbelly out of the water.  Can you tell me what is wrong with him.  do i need to take him out of the tank?  he's not dead or anything, but he stays at the top of the tank near the filter upside down. crazy...

ANSWER: Hi TeLena,
 Unfortunately he has a big problem with his swim bladder. The swim bladder is an organ that fish have inside that helps them maintain buoyancy.  His has a problem, likely some sort of infection or blockage.  Sadly there is nothing that I know of that you can do to fix this situation.  Sorry.

-- Ron
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Ron, should I remove him from the tank or just allow him to live out his life until he such time when he meets his untimely dimise?  I don't want him to suffer and more importantly infect any of my other fish.  

Let me know.



Hi Tee,
 In the wild, such a fish would not last long because a bird or other predator would easily catch him.  In an aquarium, such a fish can actually live quite well if it is a mechanical problem with the swim bladder.  So, I would let him live his life as it is.

-- Ron
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