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Clamped Fins

23 11:48:26

In a 30 gallon tank, I have 2 Parrots. 2 Kribensis and 2 Black Tetras. All have been together for 3 years and get along great. This morning they were fine and I went to feed them tonight and 1 of the Parrots was resting on the bottom of the tank away from his normal hiding place. All of the other fish had clamped fins. All levels as far as pH is 7.0, ammonia, nitrate and nitrite all test 0 and last water change was 30% 3 days ago. Could they all have gotten sick at the same time maybe on some food or something? I feed them Tetramin, TetraCichlid and Cichlid Staple and Cichlid Gold. Any idea what this might be? Any help is appreciated.


I doubt there is something wrong with any of the food you are feeding them. Is the water clear? If they all have clamped fins, it is a water quality issue somewhere, rather than a disease. Unless there is some type of parasite in the tank.

I'd do another 30% - 50% water change, clean the gravel thoroughly, add 1tbsp of Freshwater Aquarium Salt per 5 gallons of water to the tank and add some Quick Cure. The dosage for Quick Cure is 1 drop per gallon of water, but with Tetras in the tank, the dosage is 1 drop per 2 gallons of water. And if you don't already have one, add a large airstone to the tank to increase oxygen levels. Repeat the Quick Cure dosage for 3 days as recommended on the bottle.

Hope this helps, good luck!



---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks Richard for the really fast response. I was reading online where salt was ok for Cichlids but bad for Tetras and Catfish. I have a catfish and 2 Tetras in the tank. Will the salt harm them? Thanks, Jeff

Hiya again Jeff

You didn't tell me about the Catfish in the first part of your question and I guess I was forgetting that is was Tetras when I responded to you. Sorry. Yes, the salt is bad for both the Tetras and the Catfish, so forget about adding the salt.

You've had Black Tetras in a tank with 2 Blood Parrots for 3 years?!? The Parrots must have been very small when they were put in the tank. But, I have an Oscar in a tank with Angels and a Blue Gourami, so go figure. :-/

Anyway, I'm not now, nor have I ever been a fan of adding salt to a freshwater aquarium. I recommend it to many of my questioners for certain types of fish because I know it does relieve stress and fights parasites. I did it when I moved across the country because my fish were in styrofoam holding containers for 3 days. After they were back in their tanks and settled again, I gradually removed the salt with water changes.

In place of the salt, you can double the dose of StressCoat. Use the Quick Cure as recommended. I hope they get better soon, sorry about the misinformation, good luck!
