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Red spot on cown tail betta

23 11:14:00

Hi jaymie, my pet crowntail betta, Finne, was acting very strange this morning.  My stepmom feeds him every morning when she opens the blinds and he gets all excited to see that it is food time.  But this morning, he did not move, only to get a breath of air, and laid back down on his pebbles.  We keep him at room temp, about 70 degrees, which he has been fine wiht that since we got him.  we feed him shrip betta pellets 6 a day.  my dad thinks he has a bacterial infection.  please reply as soon as you can. thanks


  Sorry to hear Finne isn't doing well. You mentioned a red spot, but didn't tell me where it is how big it is and what it looks like. I cannot help you with that one until I get more information. The reason he is being lethargic, is due to the water temperature. Since Betta's are tropical fish, they need warmer water. Once you give him a heater, set at 82 degrees, he will start moving around and becoming a more happy fish. Let me know about the red spot so that I can help you help him get back to 100% healthy. Also, do not forget to do 25% water changes every week and add a conditioner to the new water. If he is in a tank smaller than 2.5 gallons, I would get him a bigger home. Some times if they are in a small bowl or tank, they become depressed and can lay at the bottom of the tank.