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My poor betta - drospy? a Tumor?

23 14:51:06

Please help!  My beautiful, once strong & energetic male betta is very ill.  I've had him for two years now, (I realize this is about their lifespan), but I just hate to see him suffer!  For about the past two months, he's become less energetic and just lays at the bottom of the tank, and the other day, I noticed his left side was a bit "bulging", and he seemed to have trouble swimming graciously.  At first I thought it may be SBD, so I put him on a three day fast, however it's now the 6th day, and he's had no interest in food whatsoever. (I did try the pea trick as well, with no luck).  If anything, he looks worse - even more bloated - so I've thought it may be dropsy, or possibly a tumor?  I've read that Tetracycline helps, which I've been trying, but I really am not sure what to do at this point.  I've always kept him in an aerated 1-gallon tank (alone) at a constant 79 - 80 degrees, and did my best to keep the water clean. I just don't want to do the wrong thing, or prolong his suffering! (and I really don't have the heart to euthanize if it is something horrible like a tumor...)  I was able to take a pretty clear photo of him if that helps.  Thank you SO much for your advice for my little guy!

Hi Naomi,

I am sorry to hear about your boy. A photo would be useful, thanks.

Are his scales protruding like a pinecone? That is a key sign of dropsy. A tumor is usually outside the fish, on the scales.

It may be the onset of dropsy, in which case if the Tetracyline isn't helping, Epsom Salts may.  

An extract from

Add 1 Tbsp per gallon of Epsom Salt to some aged, temperature-adjusted (same temperature as the water the betta is already in) water.

Pour Epsom Salt solution into a containter.

Place the Betta in the Epsom Salt bath for 15-20 minutes. While the Betta is having a bath, change the water in his tank so that he has nice, clean water to go back to afterwards. Make SURE that the water in all of these containers is the same temperature, we don't need the Betta getting another disease right now.

Hopefully the Epsom Salt bath will help to loosen the blockage, just sit back and watch. The Epsom Salt bath can be repeated up to two times a day - just be aware that it is stressful to the fish.

Hope this helps, please send the photo.
