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Fish Tank fish

23 14:39:13

Hi I live in Thailand and my boyfriend went to a fish shop and they said we should switch off our lights in our fish Tanks so the fish can sleep.

I thought they pulling our legs.

But Do fish sleep and how can you tell. Does leaving the lights on make a difference?

Uh Oh!

Fish shop pulling your leg?

I don't think so.

Fish do not sleep. However, they do require day and night, just like you and me!

Fish require 6-12 hours of "night" every day for "sleeping" just like we do. I say "sleeping" because, again, fish don't sleep. During the "Twighlight hours", as I call it, where your tank light is off, but your hall or room lights are on, fish will feel more like they would in nature. Sunset is about the time most fish feed, because dusk and dawn often have the most insects out and about. So  evenings before bed and lights out, it's not a bad idea to click the lights off on the tank. Your fish will thank you.

I noticed the other night, while awake before a plane flight that about 3 hours after turning my tank lights off, my fish were all a pale white. Don't worry, this is natural. During the blackness of night, fish stop producing color pigments, because predators cant see pale "moon like" colors at night! However, they can see bright vibrant colors quite well. So, fish will lose their color and become almost white during the dead of the night. Again, don't be alarmed, it's not only normal, but healthy!

Another note on turning fish lights off is that some fish are nocturnal. They feed, and become most active at night. Fish of this nature need their time to shine. Fish that are not nocturnal have a chance to rest. Usually, they will slow down and barely swim, if they swim at all. Most fish will shoal in little groups, or sit alone near some plants or on the rocks. Again, this is healthy. The "sleep" state allows fish to focus on healing, regenerating lost tissue, and it gives their body a good opportunity to fight off bacteria and disease.

Plants and algae require day and night to survive too! Plant life, as with all life, needs periods of day and night to grow healthy too. Regular day shifts will allow your plants to grow greener, fuller, and produce more leaves for your fish to hide in.

However, I would not recommend having your lights off for more then a day at a time. Usually, my lights are off between 6 and 8 hours daily, and are never on or off for more then 48 strait hours. Not only is it unhealthy for fish, it saves on energy bills!

So, about a half hour after feeding, or a half hour before you go to bed shut the lights off on all your tanks. And in the morning, hold off feeding for 15 to 30 minutes after turning the lights on. Your fish need a chance to wake up a bit before eating, just like we need a little while to wake up before working or going to school.

Anyway, before I get side tracked too much, I'll leave you with one last tip. For any fish, a high vitamin diet is a must! Feed your fish some veggies 2 times a week to insure good immune systems, brilliant color, and long lasting health! I give all my fish (except meat-eating fish) the dark green top off of broccoli 2-3 times a week, and I put some fresh cucumber slices on the bottom of the tank where any algae eaters and cats can nibble on it.

Hope that covers it.