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george, a green spotted puffer

23 14:24:30

i bought george and bianca last week from a dirty walmart tank.  they looked so sad and alone that i had to take them home with me.  I've done some research about their feeding habits, and have found that they really like the blood worms.  Bianca is doing great, and has already grown a little (i think:)
but gearge started losing his color defintion last night, and now he is almost entirely brown, and his dorsal fin is slumped over.  he is sitting near the bottom of the tank, with bianca watching over him :(

is there anything i can do?  i've already done one water change today.

Hi Stephanie,
 Unfortunately Bianca might be the problem.  Puffers tend to be solitary so Bianca might not be watching over him so much as pestering him.   

-- Ron
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