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Bata Fish ~ in Japan

23 11:45:00


Bata with fin rot ~ t
Hello again Lynda, sorry it has been a few days.  I did what you told me to do, change the water, and add more of the blue fin rot solution as directed and also add 1/4 teaspoon of Aquarium salt to the water .  The fish is still alive, eating, has its color but the fin rot does not seem to be getting any better.  How long will this take to rectify itself ??  Any other suggestions or is it just a waiting game.  I've attached a recent picture of how it looks today.  Let me know what else I can do ?? I'm am truly on a mission to save this little fella !!
Yours thankfully  Meriel

Hi Meriel,
Due to the colour of the water, I cannot see if the tips of his fins are white.  
If your fish has white tips he is on it's way to recovery.  Change all the water again, and clean everything in his tank with warm water.  Fill the tank with the same water temperature he is in, and add the salt, and conditioner.
It takes a while for fins to grow again.  Do water changes every two days, and he should pull through.
If his tips are not white, continue the treatment for another three days.  There is not much more I can tell you to do seeing as the pet store is having problems with our language.  Medication would help him, but I do not know what they have as medication in Japan.
I hope he will get better, the fact that he is eating is a good sign.