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how to get my eggs that my red bay snook laid hatch

23 11:56:53

my red bay snooks just laid a hundred or so eggs I need to do anything take the eggs out of the tank ,etc  Does the fish eat their own eggs

Hi Karen,
  Do you have a male in there as well?  If so, then it is possible that the eggs were fertilized.  If they were, they should be getting darker by now, if not hatching very soon.  (If they turn white, then they were not fertilized correctly, and the parents will eat the eggs).  If they were fertilized, the parents will fan the eggs and then when they do hatch, the parents will hide the wrigglers in a pit for about 4 to 5 days. During this time, the kids will eat from their own yolk sacs.  After that, feed them frozen baby brine shrimp.   

-- Ron
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