Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > small betta

small betta

23 14:52:57

I had my fish for a few days now and he just spits out his food. I give him small pellets, i tried flakes he just will spit it out. my question is why does he spit out his food?

Hi Sally;

He may not like the food. Try freeze dried or frozen plankton, brine shrimp or bloodworms.

Also check his water temperature. If it's too cold he can't digest properly. He thinks he wants to eat but then spits it out because hi metabolism won't allow it. Be sure your betta's water is always at least 76f. They like it even in the low 80's.

Change his water at least once a week to keep him clean too. If there is any leftover food it must be removed right away. Otherwise it will rot and he will have other serious health problems.

I hope he does better soon......

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins