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Fish caught in filter

23 14:24:19

We have a 10 gallon tank with a few small tropical fish, mostly Zebra and Leopard Danios, with a standard hang-on-the-tank filter. We've had a problem with the tiny Danios getting sucked into the filter's intake tube, with deadly and yucky results. How can we keep this from happening?

Hi Cherie;

You will need to break up the intake water flow a bit. This can be accomplished by using a wadded up nylon stocking or filter cotton and using rubber bands or fishing line to hold it on to the intake. You can even buy a filter sponge made for a different type of filter at the fish store. Just cut a little slot or hole for the filter intake and secure it on. Be sure it covers all intake openings. Just be sure the pores or holes in whatever you use doesn't restrict the water flow too much. You don't want to burn up your filter motor. This concept basically works like a shower head or a sprinkler, only the opposite direction. Instead of a strong stream of water from one pipe, it is broken up into smaller weaker streams.  

I've had this happen too, so I know what you're going through. I lost my dear african frogs a couple of years ago after installing a new filter that I didn't notice was too strong for them and they got their feet caught. It was so sad. Live and learn I guess.  

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins