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weird growth and patches on beta

23 14:24:01

I have a blue beta whom i adopted from my last job, so he's probably more than 2 years old. I have him in a 5 gallon  plastic tank, alone, with a water filter, heater and a few soft plants. A few months i noticed a growth right below his dorsal fin, it's now a giant very white spongy looking growth that has ripped his fin, but he's still actively swimming and eating well. I medicated the tank several times with Maracyn and Maracyn 2 but it did nothing. About a week ago I noticed some brownish looking spots on on top of his head which are now grayish, some have white spots with red circles around them. I don't want to give him the wrong medication and the pet store's don't know much. I also add aquarium salt with each water change, and keep the time between 78-80. What should I do?

Hi Holly,
 Your betta is very old at two years and it sounds like life is catching up to him.  

 There is no need or reason to add aquarium salt to a betta tank -- they come from pure freshwater.   

 As far as medications, you could try a product called Clout however I am reluctant to recommend it because it is sort of the nuclear bomb approach to treating a fish -- it goes after everything -- and it can be very hard on the fish itself.  

-- Ron
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