Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > New Molly Fry

New Molly Fry

23 14:25:22

Hi Chris!

Ok, my orange molly just gave birth to about forty fry!!  I have a 25
gallon aquarium already containing twelve small fish.  She must have
gotten pregnant at the store fish tank.  Do you know if Petsmart (thats
where i got her) would buy her babies?  If not, who would? Anyways
thank you!

Hi Kaela;

You would have to ask PetSmart about it. If they won't take them you could ask local fish stores that are not big companies like that. The little privately owned stores are more likely to take them. You may have to "donate" them though because tiny baby fish aren't really worth much. If you can grow them to 1/2 inch or larger you could probably trade them for fish food or something. Make 25% water changes in your tank at least once a week to help them grow fast and strong. Your tank needs a weekly change anyway as part of normal maintenance.

Keep in mind that mollies can give birth for up to a year after being separated from the male. The female will "store" the sperm in her body and will spontaneously fertilize over that period of time. Crazy huh?! ;-)

Good Luck!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins