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12 in tiger oscar attaching the glass

23 14:25:22

hi my 12 in oscar is attacking him self what should i doo also i hve a white spotty floating ubstance on the side of the tank what could that can i balance my amonia ,nitirates an nitrites ty very much plz help ps i have 2 oscars 12inches an 7inches 55 gallon tank 2 penguin 60 filters an white sand in the tank plz help i dont no what id do if i lost my buddies ty jon

Hi Jon;

He is probably seeing his reflection or something. Try to change the decorations to camoflage the area he seems to do it the most or provide brighter light in the room so there is less "mirror" effect inside the tank. When it's dark on one side of a window, you can often see your own reflection on the lighted side. That's probably what he is seeing too.

The way to balance your aquarium is by making frequent water changes and gravel vacuumings. Ammonia, nitrite and nitrate all rise because of fish waste. Change 25% of the tank water and vacuum the gravel at least once a week. Siphon or net out the white floating stuff. It is probably from excess waste, very common in oscar tanks. Oscars are very messy guys.

Keep feeding to a minimum too. Don't feed feeder goldfish or guppies. They can spread diseases and create a lot of waste. Feed a good quality pelleted food along with peas, crickets, earthworms, bloodworms, frozen foods, krill, frozen diets, crayfish and insect larvae. Give them a varied diet to prevent digestive issues and give them all the nutrition they need.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins