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frontosa eye problem

23 12:01:40

hi there.we have four very large frontosa in a tank that recently had a serious bout of white spot due to a non working heater which we failed to notice. having corrected the issue, all the fish are well except our second dominant fish, who has developed a large cloudy covering over one of its eyes, which develops into "bubbles" that seam to hang off the eye. We have treated him for white spot and for eye fluke. Nothing has changed. is the stress he is under from the dominant fronnie causing his illness or have we missed the boat entirely with our diagnosis?? wed love for him/her to recover and not be all dark anymore. does it mean removing it entirely from our tank of ciclids? no one else is sick. thanks

Hi Sharon,
  Eye problems are most often caused by either foul water (which I assume is not the case) or by attacks from other fish.  Has the dominant fish been physically attacking him?  If so, isolation might be the best
chance for recovery.

-- Ron
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