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New Aquarium!!

23 12:01:39

I am thinking about setting up an aquarium for a Christmas present. I have done some research into it but would like an experts opinion! I was looking to get 2-3 Bumble Bee catfish, an XL Spotted Puffer fish and was thinking of a final one the Banggai Cardinalfish. This one has a peaceful nature and the other two are aggressive. I was wondering which fish would compliment those ones and what kind of tank I should be getting i.e. size, rocks, lighting, filter and food that they could all eat. Thank you.

Hi Isa,
 I am glad you asked first.  All those fish are interesting, but I would not put any other fish in with a large spotted puffer.  Puffers are really cool but they are also crafty and efficient predators and will pretty much eat anything else in the tank.   Also, keep in mind that some puffers are freshwater, some are saltwater (marine) and some are brackish (half and half).  All cardinalfish are marine.   Most catfish are freshwater, though there are some marine catfishes as well.  

 So the first thing you need to decide is whether you want a saltwater or a freshwater tank.  What do you think?

-- Ron
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