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swordtails & chiclids

23 11:18:14

I was at a pet store and their chart said swordtails and west African chiclids will go together. my dad wants to get a boy and a few girls. If they breed should I put the mother and the fry in a separate tank or just the fry?

Hi Elizabeth,
 It depends on EXACTLY which west African cichlids you are talking about. If it is butterfly cichlids, Anomalochromis thomasi, then it might work. If you put a swordtail in with a Tilapia
snyderae you would probably be removing the dead body of the swordtail within the hour.  I would
not suggest putting swordtails in with jewel cichlids or kribensis either. It might work, but
I would not be willing to bet on its success.

-- Ron C.
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