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swimm bladder disease?

23 14:47:48

I have 2 tiger barbs and 2 albino tiger barbs in a 10 gallon. been up for about 2 months. all water levels (amonia, nitrates, ect.) are great. We have a strip test kit. I think they have swimm bladder disease due to constipation b/c they are swimming funny and their bellies are not swollen. I had six fish, but two have died. so here's my question: the two tiger barbs seem to be fine. One albino is really bad (not eating and flipping upside down all the time) and the other is eating, not flipping upside down, but swmming funny. I have treated them with antibiotics and am now fasting them starting tomorrow. anything else do you recommend? I do not want them to die.

I also have a 29 gl. tank with 2 rummy nosed tetras. we want to add our barbs, but i don't to kill the tetras. Help. thank you so muc for listening.
Danielle 9/18/06

Hi Danielle;

You're welcome. I'm here to help......

A tank takes about 6 to 8 weeks to break in so it probably just finished. With so many fish to get it started there were some very high levels of ammonia and then nitrItes at some point. (Not nitrAtes, it's different and far less toxic). For a new tank to safely get through the break-in there should be only one inch of fish for every ten gallons. The higher the population, the higher the break-in period toxins will rise. No more fish should be added for the entire 6 to 8 weeks and then add only one or two fish every week until you have your desired population. The high toxins may have damaged their internal organs, which includes the swim bladder. Make a 25% water change, fast them and see how they do in 3 days. Feed them cooked and peeled green peas as their first meal after the fast. Hopefully they will heal on their own and feel better soon.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins